You can simulate liquids with bubbles, fire with sparks, galaxies, explosions, actual physics experiments - use your imagination.
Getting started, type in / select five things:
1) Number of particles
2) The radius
3) Start velocity
4) Select a start formation (random, grid, from center, circle, whirl)
5) Select a gravity (none, up, down, center of mass, individual calculated)
Press RUN to see your simulation in action.
* Add collision with elasticity between particles and between particles and the sides of the screen
* Adjust the look and feel: particle color, random color variation %, gradient fill, blur, opacity, and particle shape.
* Add a layer of other particles with different shapes, colors and behavior.
* You can chose to have the particles drawn individually, or grouped within a specified distance.
Save your simulation for later, create random simulations/colors, upload your creation.
With just 21 controls, you can define a vast array of different particle simulations.
Make science experiments about Newton’s laws, elastic/inelastic particle collision, center of mass, surface tension and any other experiments relating to particles.
Built in science samples for:
* Particle collision elastic
* Particle collision inelastic
* Gravity center of mass
* Gravity individual calculated (between all particles)
* Mixing of ideal gases
* Newton’s law
* Surface tension
Se the website for a full explanation.